I charge $350 per hour for mediation time regardless of the number of parties. I don’t charge for my travel time, but I do have a minimum charge for three hours of mediation time. I also charge a one-time administrative fee of $250 per case. The administrative fee is to cover my time in setting up the case and to review any materials the attorneys may provide in advance of the mediation. Upon request of the attorneys I will also review the publicly available case information (all filings in the Clerk’s case management system available to the public).

The mediation can take place at the office of one of the attorneys or any location of your choosing. While I don’t maintain an office, if you would like for me to provide the location for the mediation I can do that if you give me sufficient advance notice.

I prefer not to mediate cases with pro se parties and consider the attorneys to be my “clients”. I make it easy for your clients to pay their share of the mediation by being able to quickly generate an invoice which they can pay at the conclusion of the mediation by credit card or check. If payment is not made by the parties at the conclusion of the mediation, I will expect the attorneys to have their clients pay my invoice within 30 days. I will email an invoice to the attorneys who may forward it to their clients. The invoice will have a link for on-line payment. My agreement to mediate makes the attorneys ultimately responsible for paying my fee. You can view a copy of my agreement to mediate here. Unless otherwise agreed as part of the settlement reached at mediation, the fees will always be divided evenly between the parties.